SBA Power List

2022 is shaping up to be an extraordinary year as I write this WTI is over 94 USD, and we are almost at war with Russia and China – so we here at SBA Inc, a division Lake Fort Hills have come up with the definitive list of EFT and FinTwit accounts to follow for all the power!

1. @mr_skilling

a. The Skilling’s represented here by Mr. show the best of EFT, after rising to prominence during the Tallgrass Energy Partners transaction with Blackstone where he brilliantly illustrated how poorly unit holder were being treated Skilling has pivoted the account a few times, always keeping it fresh. NBF helped get many people through Covid and we all enjoyed it, but it is rightfully taking a break for a while and only pops back up when really needed – a brave choice.

Skilling mixes deep market knowledge and commentary with a lot of shit talking and random thoughts – exactly what a great FinTwit account should do.

2. @EnronChairman

The godfather of Roll Call, it feels like that originated around the beginning of the rona’ and it is not hard to see how the Chairman rocketed to popularity. With the work that Kenney boy and Intern put into Roll Call every week it is hard to overstate how much The Chairman has contributed to the success and growth of EFT and the greater FinTwit community.

3. @ericnuttall

When it comes to boiling down Eric’s effect on the EFT community, the best word I can come up to describe him would be irreplaceable. This can be supported by 3 crucial attributes that would make any member interested in the crude market melt with appreciation. First and foremost, consistency, this means updating the community day in and day out regardless of crude/equity performance whether to the upside or downside. It is not a question of availability that is stressed when the markets are in favor but rather when the punishment is in full swing that consistency can best be appreciated. Second, for new members that have not been previously following the markets and don’t have a framework for understanding what great looks like our friend Eric does a wonderful job in laying out that framework with statements like “everyday above 70$ is a good day”. Lastly which I believe to be the most important criteria that endears him to the EFT community the most is his engagement. While we collectively recognize that compliance issues prevent him from being as vocal as he would like to be, Eric uses his market call segments effectively to engage his twitter community. In combination with Eric’s consistent liking of comments that generally tends to give the individual on the receiving end a Lebron James like moment. Eric has also become a champion of this beat up sector along with Canada as whole. His advocacy has helped instill a sense of pride for all Canadians that follow him on twitter. Thank You Eric !!! - Sohaib Abbas

4. @pickeringenergy

As one of the few EFT/FinTwit people using their own name Dan keeps his commentary tight, and his feed clean, but don’t think that means he does not know how to have fun. Dan lead EFT in the ocean spray challenge leading to so many great submissions and lots of community building – proof that you don’t have to be a serious man do accomplish seriously impressive thigs.

5. @Albertagarbage

a. From brutal honesty, promoting individual freedoms, financial opinions and the odd technical explanation of oilpatch stuff, Alberta Garbage has it all… like a garbage can, for all of alberta. Alberta garbage may not match Art Berman’s years of experience (nobody can) but he has actually gained useful knowledge in that time. Upstream drilling and exploration is his specialty. Quickly following with political commentary that makes progressives cry. Take a dive into the garbage can.

6. @DeadCaitBounce

a. Caitlin is one of the most honesty pleasant people you will internet meet in the FinTwit space, her constant encouragement of people to #GoOutSide is a good reminder that there is more to life than money or the internet; although I am not active in the crypto space she is one of the people who helps make up for a lot of the annoying DudeBros that also occupy that world – thanks for being such a good person Cait.

7. @sohaibab9

One of EFT/FinTwit’s fastest rising starts Sohaib has been putting in the work and building *space* for himself; through relentless engagement with other members of EFT and many other communities he is making a name for himself as an articulate communicator of the bull case for the Canadian Energy Space

8. @EnergyCredit1

a. An OG, some might say *the* OG, EC1 obviously has deep market knowledge across multiple domains, he kindly shares said knowledge with us, what is disappointing is that he doesn’t share his brisket with us – cause that always looks very good.

9. @Keubiko

a. What could a person say about Keubiko that hasn’t already been screamed ungrammatically by a Tesla long in an Arby’s drive thru? Like the best FinTwit accounts Keubiko mixes both deep market commentary (his threads on AMC go deep) with light hearted shit talking of market events, to the most serious of inquiries into the food quality at Americas leading fast food restaurants.

10. @Taylor__Merritt

Taylor is such a great addition to the YYCEFT team, bringing a love of rocks who has deep engineering knowledge, and having successfully ran a fund by the time some people are still finishing their gender studies masters; equally as at home taking deep dives into rocks, decline curves or reserve reports Taylor brings a rare mix of interdisciplinary knowledge to the conversation and we are all better for it.

11. @sunqueentrg

Even though she more posts on energy politics than the EFT side it is impossible not to include YYCEFT’s own firebrand energy and polices commentator on a list of those who wield power – annoying all the right people and sometimes saying the things we think but don’t have the balls to say.

12. @PythiaR

One of FinTwits less bombastic money runners, unless you bring up GFL, MSFT or BAM then you get the full court press – follow for the general market commentary, stay for the knowledge of and advocate for well-run companies that he market just does not appreciate yet.

13. @garquake

Burnsco is an indispensable follow for market notes and opinions on the energy space – the power of mailing lists - and we all appreciate the sharing

14. @TrashMcOiltrash

Trashy knows where the bodies are buried, probably because he helped he burry them – when this dude talks, well maybe you should listen, or not – whatever, Trashy has some power over my heart because he has shown me he is deep down a good guy.

15. @QuickDCapital

As FinTwit’s resident liberal (he would still be a conservative in Canada) it is always fun to hear from this master of the universe who runs money in… what strategy again? His righteous rage against the management at Suncor is one of the best examples of why this BSD deserves to be on this list of power players.

16. @_sem_yyc

Sem has so many better things she could be doing than hanging around with the degens on EFT/FinTwit – and yet she is willing to grace us with her presence, something for which we all should be grateful for. She can’t always comment on the topic of the day, but when she does it is a knowledge bomb and you should listen. Sem has the power to flex on you hard when she wants.

17. @EnergyCynic

We are all better off when we are moar cynical, and as we head into a bull cycle for energy it is important to always keep your wits about you – EC knows what is going on, and is not afraid to call it has he see it

18. @crudegusher

There is no one with perhaps more international experience in energy and financial markets than Sankey, deep knowledge of the power players behind the scenes makes Sankey an indispensable follow for geopolitical and market information – he is also a snappy dresser with a great sense of humor.

19. @rbl1973

Drake is one of those people who probably knows more about whatever you are talking about than you do, it seems like he has worked across the world and has knowledge of ever damn play in the world, we greatly appreciate the nerdery of his guess the field from a sat image game – and when he wants to push he has the power.

20. @itsMarkLittle

He was going to kill me if I didn’t put him on the list – and I didn’t want what happened to all that shareholder cash and workers lives to happen to me.

21. @Sarah4RRC

Sarah Stogner speaks her mind and has a honey badger attitude. Other than her being an attorney and the fact she used to hang out with Mark LaCour, what’s not to like?

Sarah could have had a wonderful, lazy, well-paying career as an oil and gas attorney - focusing on boring contracts, risk mitigation, and negotiating insurance premiums or whatever she used to do, but fortunately for all of us she’s one of those individuals who can’t keep her mouth shut and she won’t go along to get along. Like me, she’s cursed with the ability to see BS in places where most people don’t even bother to look, and she digs in for what’s right. Just like I don’t have to be a lawyer to understand the law, she doesn’t have to be an engineer to understand the technical aspects of the oil and gas industry, such as pollution, underground blowouts, and poor well construction and maintenance practices… In case you haven’t heard, she’s well control certified, meaning she’s at least twice as smart as half of the petroleum engineers I’ve met. She doesn’t accept that exploiting the environment and landowners is a necessary part of oil and gas production. In my opinion her primary flaw is that she still thinks the industry can be fixed, but she’s willing to step up and put in the work to try and fix it, and that’s admirable. Not only is she active on Twitter (#EFT), but she’s so far advanced she even has a TikTok. Most of us haven’t even broken down and downloaded the app yet, we’re just over here happy to watch cross-posted screen recordings on Facebook. At the end of the day, it’s been truly enjoyable getting to know Sarah and watching her fight for what’s right and grow and evolve in her understanding of what really goes on in the industry. If you aren’t following her on at least three different platforms, what are you even doing with your life? - Halli Burton

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